Vaz Pinto: We need new players

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Vaz Pinto: We need new players

Post by faraja »

Coach Vaz Pinto is interested in bringing new players to the team

"For me, age is not important but the quality of the player. Even if you are a 16-year-old but with quality, I will play you. For me, the most important thing is the quality of the player.

[Against Mathare], I gave an opportunity to [Alphonse Onyango]. He came, played well, and scored. It is good to give the upcoming players an opportunity to play because it will give them confidence and I believe they will be better in the future."

The Portuguese tactician hopes to have some new players to improve the team but has promised to work with the available ones if his wish is not granted.

"I have just started to know my team, my players; of course I have an idea of my model of the game," Pinto continued.

"If we can bring in some players to implement my idea about the game it will be very good. If not possible then I will have to work with the available players and ensure the team wins.

"But if possible we can check and bring in new players who can give us a different character than the players we have."
Article continues below

Pinto further exuded confidence K'Ogalo will be crowned by the end of the season.

"We will play to win the league; of course Gor Mahia always play to win the league," he added.

"It is a tough league, but is a marathon; we have played just four games and I believe in my team. I have just trained with the team for three days but I have felt very good, and I believe we will be champions."

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