Gor Mahia wage bill & player contracts, let common sense prevail!

T Opiyo
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Gor Mahia wage bill & player contracts, let common sense prevail!

Post by T Opiyo »

Chairman Ador sensationally claims that Gor Mahia's wage bill is KES.5 million per month with Gor Mahia players on an individual salary of KES.200,000 per month. Source Ador's interview on Arocho Live.

The following questions beg an answer from our EC:

1)Name any Gor Mahia player recruited in the last 2 seasons worth being paid KES.200,000 per month. That is going by their performance on the pitch.
A wage bill of KES.5m should be able to attract players with enough quality to reach at least the CAF Confed Cup Prize money stage.

* KRA data show only 2.9% of Kenyans earn over KES.100k per month.
Gor Mahia players are therefore amongst the highest paid Kenyan workers.

2) Why is Gor Mahia recruitment panel ( of Wasuna, Aduda etc) overvaluing foreigners at the expense of locals?
With a consistent salary( including allowances) of KES.80,000 per month a club can attract the best players in Kenya.

How many caps does the Malian goal keeper signed recently have?

3) The wage bill for a 25 player squad would be an affordable KES.2m per month. A sustainable wage bill would end the go slows.
The best local players are outshining Gor Mahia's foreign signings by far e.g Local players have scored more than double the goals our expensive foreigners have managed.

The players can then boost their salaries through performance incentives e.g reaching the prize money stages of CAF champions League.

4) Currently 2 of Gor Mahia's top players, Momanyi and Miheso, have opted to join more stable clubs (Tusker) that offers a much lower but stable monthly salary than Gor Mahia's high salaries that the players only see on paper but are never reflected in their bank accounts.

5) Defaulting on contracts is not a solution as FIFA and CAF still compel the club to pay. Some of the unpaid wages show that the foreigners are either on a ridiculously high monthly salary or have never been paid ever since they signed " the contracts to hell".

6) Why hire a foreign coach who can't take the club to the CAF group stages when it is obvious that being eliminated in the preliminaries is a financial disaster for the club?

Wasuna, Rachier and Jolawi are old hands in football management with a combined experience of over 25 years.
Is it a case of can't learn, won't learn or are they just incapable of learning?
Despite elections some persons seem to be permanent "fixtures and fittings" at Gor Mahia e.g Aduda, Jolawi etc.

How does a club with the highest wage bill, almost double that of its local rivals, perform so poorly?
Why pride yourself about a wage bill that you can't pay?
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Re: Gor Mahia wage bill & player contracts, let common sense prevail!

Post by utegi »

The club may need to go back to basics like in 2008 with Sianga and only sign young players. But the cartels will not tolerate this common sense approach
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