
Gor Mahia take on Bandari as players complain

Following the decision by the high court to lift the ban on KPL matches, the league has resumed play. KPL CEO Jack Oguda has announced that the league will try to schedule a number of midweek matches in order to reduce the backlog of fixtures.

“Right now, we are trying to see if we can arrange for mid-week fixtures and will make an announcement shortly. Our programme had fallen behind following the injunction and we need to get things back to normal service,”he said to

In that vain, Gor Mahia will take on Bandari on Thursday at City stadium.

The return of KPL fixtures is a relief to fans of local football who have become exasperated by the antics of Sam Nyamweya and FKF. Coaches are relieved as well because the lack of fixtures was demotivating certai players.

“It is difficult for a coach to train the players yet not knowing who or when they were going to play next. It looked more like a pre-season training. The morale was beginning to fade among the players,” Matano told Goal.

“A lot of sponsors have invested so much in teams this year and were beginning to feel cheated due to the stand-off which had began to have far-reaching consequences on everyone involved,” added Muhiddin.

Players complain of unpaid salaries

Some Gor Mahia players are up in arms due to non payment of allowances and salaries. According to players received on Ksh 300 each after the match against AC Leopards. This is the amount players used to be paid per game back in the 1980s.

An anonymous players has revealed to, the tribulations that the team is experiencing.

Against Sofapaka in season’s curtain raiser, we received nothing but only Sh300 which was part of our daily training allowance. Nobody spoke about our bonuses afterwards.

“When we won against Madagascar champions CNaPs in preliminary round of Caf Champons League at home, we just received daily training allowance which cannot even cater for our lunch and fare back home.

“The only ‘big money’ we have received was (85000 Malagasy Ariary), which when converted to local currency is roughly Sh2, 580, which the club provided for drinks.

“Up to date, we have not been paid our bonuses; I have never seen a disorganized team like this. How can we fight hard for the team only to get Sh300 on material day? Like on Sunday against AC Leopards, I can reveal that some players were very hungry, it was an insult to give them peanuts.”

However club EC member David Kilo has denied the reports.

“It is true we gave them Sh300, but that is our routine. It is our daily training rate. The team has its policy of paying players there bonuses; every player received his right in respect to rankings. The information you have is false.” he said to

Kilo also said that the club Chairman is meeting some of the club’s expenses out of his own pocket.

“And concerning salaries, as a club we don’t owe players. The team is financially struggling with no sponsor on board but many a times the chairman has dug deep into his pockets to pay the players. As officials we are concerned with welfare of our players’ and in no way can we mistreat them.”


17 thoughts on “Gor Mahia take on Bandari as players complain

  • Let’s reward our players accordingly. This is not right!

  • jathur gi ji

    Ingo, you are too quick though right here since there should be nothing short of that. EC while I appreciate the difficulties you are going through with the team financially, kindly get the good habit of periodically letting us know the financial position, like after a big game last Sunday publish what was received and a breakdown of expenditure. Then someone might just say “here are some honest and transparent officials….. willing to help Gor Mahia, lets just chip in and help them out”. The more you keep to yourselves the more we think you have some “chicken” or “sugar” you are eating quietly while the playing unit goes hungry. Please, please get in to the good habit.

  • Kilo, so whats the truth. You have accepted that you paid them 300/-???is that what they should be given per match??? Kilo, Ngala
    and Neima, please spare us the AFC way. Ngala am reading on standard newspaper that you expected more fans to come?? If you people could have used simple logic, you could have gotten more than 6 million even after missapropriations. Whoever is in charge of ticketing is just a big mediocre.

  • @ODUOR12,your noble idea Is gathering dust as the players cries is reaching crescendo
    My only question is for how long will the club continue begging for support? For how long will AR continue chipping in from his own pocket.? What is really so hard for starting a Sacco to save this club from embarrassment. Hallow bloggers we need to take hard look at our self with a lot of pain if we want to achieve the dreams and aspiration of the team. EC is overwhelm by the enormous task of running this club financially. Kindly Oduor12, take the mantle and give us the way forward as bloggers. We need to assist in a big way

  • oswozo moziek

    we have said it here before and we will say it again..most of us are ready and willing to help out.The problem here is that there is no follow up or goodwill from the club itself…hence the begging culture shall well continue!!

  • Jack omollo.

    who can trust david kilo…?

  • The SACCO idea can never save Gor Mahia (As constituted). Who among us are a member of a SACCO? How many times does your sacco take money to support projects without return?

    Please Oduor12 and company, i need to understand in the context of Gor Mahia how the sacco will return my investment. Assuming we raise 5 million in the first three months and the team travels to Congo and spends 3 million, please enlighten me how you will return the investment to members. The following month we pay players allowances and salaries, the next month we settle coach and officials. How do we get return on investment?

    The sacco idea can never be better for Gor Mahia (As constituted) than streamlining gate collection, negotiating sponsorship, negotiating tv rights and sale of merchandise. The officials just need to get their act together.

    Oduor12 wants to raise 500/- per month and the club takes all his money. SACCO? Never.

    Finally, why can’t we sell the club and get owners who operate it as a corporate business?

  • The proponents of the SACCO idea need to look at how many initiatives have been started to save Gor Mahia from financial problems and take note how long each lasted. What were their challenges? Who was in charge?

    The club structure is such that no one knows for sure if we have an account. No one knows for sure if we have registration certificates. Are we a limited company? Are we a society? I wouldn’t be surprised if a faction registers with FKF Premier League.

    No one knows for sure what Gor Mahia is in Kenya (Legally). We have a shrewd lawyer for Chairman and he has ensured throughout his tenure that no one knows whom or what we are dealing with. When stuck, please help! When there is cash, total silence. When Nyamweya said ‘7 foreign players’, he grabbed the chance. When Nyamweya said ’18 teams’, fighting broke out.

    Oduor12, who will own the SACCO? Who will audit the SACCO? What will be its relation to a society called Gor Mahia? Has Gor Mahia ever been audited? Where are the latest audit reports? Are the same officials of Gor Mahia the SACCO officials? Will the SACCO collect money at the gate? Will the SACCO sign players?

    As constituted, Gor Mahia has to keep surviving and keep begging fans and well wishers. Nothing should be clear is the current policy and we are simply reaping what we are sowing.

    • @ The Villager its not the first time you’ve challenged the idea of GMFC Sacco and we proponents of the Sacco idea have always endeavored to clarify your concerns. The problem is you keep quiet only to later resurface will the same concerns.
      However in the next post I will attempt to address your concerns again but I urge you to “think outside the box”.

      Don’t look at the Sacco through a narrow prism be open minded.
      And remember “a tool is only as good as the person using it”.
      A sacco has legally enforceable safeguards.
      On one point I do however agree with you entirely. Jakom AR has a stranglehold on GMFC and runs the club in an opaque manner. This infact is an obstacle hindering the club from achieving its full potential and attracting more members.
      Its simply ludicrous for David Kilo to claim that Jakom is using meeting the club’s expenses out of his own pocket yet we know that gate collections for the past 2 years are greatly understated.
      Isn’t this the money now being recycled?
      What do the other EC members do?
      As organizing secretary why can’t improve the club’s membership structure?
      This claim that so & so is financing Gor Mahia is a re-election gimmick.
      To cut a long story short @ the Villager the Sacco actually addresses all your concerns but remember “a tool is only as good as the person using it”

  • @The villager, you likely to succumb in your fears, we need to see things beyond our noses. Their are long and short term benefits that can be undertaken. Should we just be there as fans`, when things are cool ,we applaud the office`, when things goes bad we start hulling insults at them without trying an input. Nothing comes cheap fans need to come up with any initiative that will be sustainable and self reliance`, not only Sacco. The villager, bring something you have in mind.

    • @bob, please read my posts carefully and see that i have been suggesting the selling of the club. I also pointed out what i think would work better in paragraph 3.

      • Like you say, i am ready to see beyond my nose if you suggest workable solutions. On the SACCO i have put across many questions that need answers. There is no need of asking fans to join a SACCO to pay air fares and salaries for players, coaches and officials. That is not how a SACCO works. It is not sustainable. Or is it?

  • Joe Riaga

    Gor Mahia is a society registered under the societies act. It is not owned by anybody. Therefore it cannot be sold. How can you sell something that nobody owns? If you do so, you are asking for endless legal wrangles.

    Club Membership with annual subscriptions is the way to go. This is the Barcelona model that is also used by North African teams like Al Ahly. Whether that happens depends on the club EC creating an atmosphere of transparency.


    year in year out same old problem………….i can see a bad go slow ahead if things r not handled mapema

  • @Joe Riaga, you are absolutely right. on the same breath, streamlining gate collections, negotiating sponsorship, negotiating TV rights and selling merchandise, this are done by the EC`, not fans. We have limitations to that effect, but what we are trying to do as fans who love this club at heart is full participation either as registered members or forming a Sacco.

    Now EC does not bother about suggestions as pointed above by the Villager, so should we also stop bothering on anything about this club?. We need to be serious, ‘we have to meet and deliberate on this things and come up with a solution , or else we live with the begging bowl forever.

  • George Ochoro

    There is no truth about this report. No player can be paid shs 300!


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