
Major Overhaul at Gor Mahia

Reports emanating from the Gor Mahia camp suggest that coach Zdvarko Logarusic has made good this threat to rid Gor Mahia of players whom he deems unsuitable to play in a club of Gor Mahia’s stature. Early last week he expressed frustration at not being allowed to make the needed changes. Over the weekend, fans unfurked a banner reading “In Logarusic we trust” to express their support for the new coach. The club officials responded to the fans gave him carte blanche to make the changes he desired.

Gone are Hugo Nzoka, Demonde Selenga, Dan Makori, Tony Nyang’or, Collins Okoth, Collins Omondi, Peter Juma, Felix Nwosu while young defender Fred Otieno will be sent on loan.

Collins Okoth’s case is curious. After acrimoniously departing the club after citing frustrations by team officials, he had apparently changed his mind and sought to return. Perhaps dissapointing to fans is the case of Dan Makori who has been a fan favourite ever since he was recruited from an obscure team on one of Gor Mahia’s annual Nyanza tours.

It is not immediately clear what the club plans to do to replace these players.. One only hopes Logarusic knows what he is doing. He seems to be looking for a certain specific type of player. But whether or not such players exist in Kenya and can be made available is a different story altogether. Also not clear is the legality of terminating said contracts. Will the club have to play the players ? Without knowledge of how the contracts are structured, one can only hope the club did its homework. After all the club chairman is a lawyer.

 Additional reporting from

Gor Mahia striker Antony Balotieno Nyangor had a meteoric rise in his career after being spotted by the Kenyan Premier League (KPL) giants in December during the team’s preseason tour but after featuring for just two league games, he is out in the cold.


The youthful striker was called to the club’s offices on Tuesday 1 May only to be shocked on arrival when he was handed a contract termination letter that effectively ended his stay, which had been expected to last until 2014.

Speaking to, the youngster was lost for words as he pointed out that no clear reason was given for his termination in the letter dated Tuesday 1 May 2011, he thus could not disclose what course of action he will be taking after this development.

Immediate termination

-I was just called to the office then on arrival got this letter that my contract with the club has been terminated with effect from today. I didn’t expect it so I don’t even know what I will be doing after this development.

-The letter is not even giving me a reason as to why I am no longer needed at the club yet I signed a two year deal to end in 2014, he said.

Highly rated

The striker was among the highly rated youngsters in the Kenyan Premier League at the start of the season, with his acquisition being the subject of a tussle between Gor Mahia and Mathare United, who were said to be having a valid contract with him at the time.

The youngster’s abrupt fall from grace shows just how much insecure the Kenyan footballer is when hoping to make a living out of football.

59 thoughts on “Major Overhaul at Gor Mahia

  • Waende wachezee their village teams.i never so anything good out of this guy.hope more to follow

  • oduor Saduma

    Hop there is a good reason 4 this! the boy was really promising.

  • motema pembe

    He was not that good, 8 more need to be called in the office for their contract termination,they are not up to the par. mieno will be a good signing.

  • Barefoot Bandit

    @Motema Pembe I respect your view because you have been there so you know what you are talking about. Whoever is behind this move please extend the same radical surgery to the bloated EC.

  • I don.’t kwow where we are heading to but what i know is that we are going there very fast.

  • Barefoot Bandit

    The list seems to be long. Dan Makori and Hugo Nzoka also axed. Shock and awe.

  • Eblazing Diva

    A month to the June transfer window. As much this might be welcome in some quarters could they not wait till then. And I still hope the legal aspect of their contracts has been observed so that we are not treated to media side shows. And I hope too we have identified and negotiated with the right players. I have already read Mieno has refuted claims that we are signing him. Waaah!

  • Barefoot Bandit

    @Godfrey wherever we are heading is only known by God. I don’t think even the coach knows where we are heading. It is true we are heading there very fast.

    This is what Dan Makori had for K’Ogalo fans:
    “I would like to extend my great appreciation to Gor Mahia fans for the overwhelming support during my stay there. I will miss them as they have been there during our good and bad times. The chance to play for Gor Mahia will always remain a big highlight in my soccer career”.

  • I think the office is aware of the legal implications on contracts. Why can’t we wait for June when the transfers will be officially opened? EC there are legal implications involving players contracts.

  • Who recruited these players? Were the recruitments vetted? I think the chairman of technical should also be shown the door for having misled the club in recruiting below par players. Mzee Sianga had put in place good model that should have been replicated by his predcessors but what is coming out will not help our club at all.

    We need a long term solution that will help the club to achieve our cardinal goals of winning all trophies while playing attractive football.

  • way forward,GOR B/RESERVE SIDE,U-17 AND U-15 and a qualified technical director.THATS THE ONLY WAY FOR PERPETUAL SUCCESS.hiyo ya kufuta na kuandika imejaribiwa na ikakataa.

  • Those saying the guy was promising should tell us what promising mean to them.
    A “21”year old footballer who can’t control a ball or make a simple dribble cant be promising:these are football basics one acquires at 12.
    fisa academy is the rite place for him.

  • Admin,i wish u wld not go into a lull then post 2 articles in quick sucession thus denying bloggers a chance 2 ventilate their views on each post adequately
    1.On weekly briefs i thought its 4 the EC 2 articulate GM’s position so don’t abdicate ua duty just nominate one frm among ua many selves.After match interviews will suffuce 4 coach
    2.Well it makes sense to get rid of “rotten potatoes” sooner rather than later lest they contaminate the other potatoes.4 until sept coach ZL’s word is law though….

  • Eblazing Diva

    Courtesy of

    -The coach proposed this and presented it to the executive. Weendorsed it and therefore these players will be leaving the club, Bwana told
    The released players include Hugo Nzangu, Demonde Selenga,Collins Omondi, Fred Otieno, Dan Makori, Antony Otieno, Collins Gatusso Okoth, Peter Juma and Fredrick Nwoswo with Fred Otieno proceeding on loan.

  • I like this logarithm guy.he is decisive and bold.
    I wish he presents another list of five to leave the club.
    Please let no one stand on logarith’s way.

  • Eblazing Diva

    I mourn with these players who were recruited in pomp and colour six months ago. The officials who are behind these should be exposed, shamed and follow their recruities. Otherwise they will continue with the same impunity. They are playing a safe card. They now say the tech bench is wholly responsible for this radical surgery. Should something negative happen in terms of performance they will have washed their hands. This is a dirty game. They should as well go.

  • Barefoot Bandit

    Administrator I like that line. Please repeat it:
    “…One only hopes Logarusic knows what he is doing. He seems to be looking for a certain specific type of player. But whether or not such players exist in Kenya and can be made available is a different story altogether”.

    Fare thee well our dear rotten potatoes. You happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Do not lose hope. It happened that you fell into the hands of a coach who wants finished products but lacks the ability to create and develop talent. Journey on potatoes, with luck you will re-group and recoup your skills and come to haunt GM one day. God forbid though…

    How I wish this purge would begin with the bloated EC.


    My time is. Up! OGANGO trailer wuon. Pine dhia’ng! It. Is rhetorical!

  • Barefoot Bandit

    Eh! @Ogango Trailer! Is that in post 19 slurred speech?!

    A forensic examination of the list of axed players leaves me wondering aloud: are they the root cause of our current dismal performance or are they mere scapegoats? Some kind of sacrificial lambs while the actual culprit(s) is/are safely watching from the fringes?

    Pardon my critical view and let us look at it: in how many matches were any of those players fielded? An average of twice or none at all. So will their removal improve our fortunes in the remaining three games before the June transfer window?

    God is watching us…God is watching us…God is watching us from a distance….

  • I have not put up a comment on this blog since Logarusic was appointed the head coach of GM. But today I wnt to break the ice and in so doing ask- “Do the coaches know what they are actualy doing?” PLO once famously remarked “You can not respond to a mosquito bite with a hammer!!” I want to agree wth the bloggers that have expressed sheer disbelief and utter shock at the current and latest happenings at GM. From my understndng of anythng performance related, whether in football or business, you cannot be called to account for the mistakes or under-performance of others. How many of the dropped players were given a fair platform to perform but still failed to deliver? Did Makori actualy fail GM, or its a case of the axe cutting the nearest trees? This kind of action will only succeed in derailing the little progress the team has made so far. The remaining players’ fragile confidence is going to be hampered even further bcz no one is now guaranteed of a longer stay in GM!! Its my sincere prayer and honest belief that all the coaching staff at GM were consulted before the termination letters were issued to the affected players. I want to believe that each coach had his input on the final list of the players to be dropped/ shifted. Once again I want to hope that the coaches knw wht they are doing and that they hve already scouted and have in place pre-contract agreements wth the potential signings they intend to replace the departed/ departing players with. AFC Leopards dropped players mid-season last year but fortunately for them, they managed to gather enough mommentum to carry them over the line. I hope GM will be double lucky so as not to jeopardize their own team’s perfomances. This kind of knee-jerk reaction is like a double-edged sword/ poisoned chalice. It can prove to be a master-stroke when the performance and results improve immediately or can sink the fortunes of the club even deeper. Here is a piece of advice to coach Logarusic: please assume a fatherly figure to the players if you want them to trust you and hence play for you. Dont be the TERRIER, DOUBLE HONNED MONSTER that knows everything as you are currently portraying. Dont criticize your players in public and especialy before the media. I have never heard, known, seen or even read any of the “world reknown” coaches criticizing their players in public. I have never heard or read where any of these great coaches mentioned bellow went balistic against any of their players in public. AW, SAF, JM, Carlo Anceloti, Vicente del Bosque, Josip Pep Guardiola, Arigo Saachi, Fabio Cappelo, big Phil, Dick Advocat, Otto Rehagel, Louis van Gaal, Berti Vogts, Joachim Lowe, Lauren Blanc, Jurgen Klinsmann and even Kimanzi and Jaan Koops . Goodluck Team GM because you need it.

  • Yes some players have not even managed to get any games under 3 nay 4 sucessive coaches yet GM has bin paying their salaries n allowances,they r financial burdens.I still expect 2/3 forwards/attackin midfielders with pathetic scoring rates to b shown the door.
    Finally on a different note y no info. on our talented Lavasta kwani his injury never heals?
    As the bloated EC remember its us who voted for both the office structure n officials!

  • this odiero is really AGWAMBO!!!!!!

  • Mc Ochan mar Piny

    The coach came in and in a flash had already done analysis of his players and decided which ones to be shipped out. Lets get it right. Will the axed players be replaced or the unit remains this way. From what the coach has been saying he got a specific calibre of players he is looking at. If he wants to get new players, where will he get them from? If its within Kenyan borders woe unto him cos we don have what he is looking for. If its from outside our borders, the ones who come in are not necessarily the best out there. If he remains with the few we are also doomed. This coach will engineer a termination of his contract from Gor once things don seem to go his way. He is always a short term contract guy who is ready to test other waters elsewhere once his experiments fail. For all to know Logarusic has little care for contracts. Look at his history elsewhere. He has just repeated it here. Why dint he wait till June transfer as he sourced for the new players? We are only three matches away from the date. We have been set up by the two parties; EC and the sole coach cos I don believe JBO and the others would have done this. As someone has said GM needs prayers. And lets start right away.

  • jathur gi ji

    For now I will not comment much but leave it to Technical bench, of course they must be knowing what they are doing and on contracts and legalities, I believe they know even better. Lets all in unison give the EC and Technical bench the space to do their work.And lets not engage in acrimonious exchange on this matter. I know its painful to some of the axed players but sometimes a price must be paid to achieve something. So pole pole jamaaz, I can see we are heading somewhere.

  • Iganatius Otieno

    Dicisive that what the coach is , lets leave to the coach ? yes , he knows what he wants to do ,even our work places retrench staff they dont need , he knows what he is doing , lets play our part and support the team.


    I personally support the decision taken by the Executive Committee from the advice of the technical team. I know these are extremely painful and hard decisions but it must be taken anyway.

    I wish from the onset to salute the boys who have been axed for their valuable contribution during their short stint at Gor Mahia. However, at the end of the day, it is the results that counts. I am sure you’ll carry with you the fond memories of this great club wherever you go. I wish each of you all the best in your new assignment.

    It is in the best interest of this great club such decision was taken. Going forward, I remain cautiously optimistic that the reforms currently being undertaken gonna bear fruit in the long run. Such reforms should extend to all other departments and especially the secretariat.

  • . .Guys, why speak nonsense on a matter you do not know?For example, comment 24, . . ..yes, the coach has his targets.
    You have all heard that the coach is an admirer of Humphrey Mieno, Aswani, Pascal Ochieng’ and etc etc, so why criticize the coach that much?
    Let us support this guy as we did pledge b4 he took over the reigns in the team and to the doubting Thomases, woe and shame unto you.

  • Now im very much releaved. atleast we have a coach who can execute his duties professionaly and lets give him time. our players are not seriouse not only in GM but the entire teams in the KPL. i hope the coach will use the players that he currently have before extending his hands outside and future of our team is bright. This action has reminded me my time in Kach when our coach by then Mr. Makokha drop the players whom we thought were savors but at the end we got what we wanted. so i have confindent in this coach and im seeing our star is high.

  • Governor Awendo

    I support this cos football is competetive not a permanent job and the players know it. You need to click and you are in the team. All is about teamwork. Hugo and Balotieno have the body to bully defenders but what so far have they provided?
    May be Makori would have stayed but we do not know his performance during practices. This therefore should be a lesson to the other sleeping players, your time is up!! We need goals and good soccer.

  • odhiambo p. owuor

    However painful it might be the players and fans, we should support the decision. I know we have a soft sport for some of these players but the legacy of Gor Mahia is more important than the simpathy. Am also saddened by some of the names but we must admit that they have so far not prooved their worth this season. This will also serve as a warning to other underperfoming players to up their game.

  • Opuk raronge

    No 21 Le Pastre has got it spot on.

    I need not add more but just give a word of advice to
    Logu-racist: If you find yourself in a hole stop digging.

  • For all who love this club, let the players know they are not indispensable. If they take to the pitch to earn “appearance” money – sorry time is up.

    No more “appearance” by players who leave the supporters with sour memory and pain, ridicule and disbelief.

  • @Opuk raronge, are you sport analyst, a player or just a fan? if you are given any duty to do its upto you to see how to do it not another person to tell you how that work can be done. the technical knows what they are doing.

  • Barefoot Bandit

    This is a major event in the history of K’Ogalo and as fans we are bound to react to it in one way or another. Fans are free to express their perception of the developments. It is notable that none of these posts is actually opposing the move because it is in the best interests of the club. As one blogger aptly put it, currently the word of head coach is law.

    In my view this is a healthy debate that is bringing out our inner feelings without inhibition. The question of ‘woe’ or ‘shame’ is neither here nor there.

    Those of us who have reservations are only of the view that these players have been part of the K’Ogalo family and their dismissal should have had some human face. It would not cost much to pass the message to them in a more cordial manner as spelt out by @Pareyio 09 in post 27. As wahenga put it (I am yet to know who these ‘wahenga’ were), “burn your bridges only if you are sure you are a good swimmer”.

    @Le Pastre may I take this opportunity to recognize your presence. Welcome back brother.

  • Performance is everywhere and if a player is not performing thel let him go. Even in our offices its either your perform or you go. Take Silenge for example how can a striker only have one goal after staying with gor for almost 2yrs? this is serious. That is why AFC sent him a way and we rushed for him. Makori has been good and am sure he will get a place in a nother club. Otherwise players must understand that Gor gives them opportunity to shine and maybe move EPL. But if they think by playing for GOr they have reached their football menopause then they must forget it. They must take their work seriously.

  • Governor,odhiambo,capital,salapata,pareyio.uv all said it so we give coach chance thats whts important now list is out .so us fans see we wait like obako says haraka ni ya nini ?

  • Hey Bandit! We are still around. Just observing from a distance.

    We elected politicians and for the whole duration of their term, our team will see no peace.

    Our main agenda as a club needs to be soccer but clearly our officials keep creating politics, sideshows and blame games. The victims of the sideshows are the many coaches that have been sucked into that politics who are eventually blamed and given to fans to kick out. The other victims will be the players. Even the newspaper articles have suspicious sources and intent.

    Before the season started we released a similar number of players and mid season we will have to release a similar number. If my memory serves me right, most of the ‘rotten potatoes’ are not on the current list.

  • Barefoot Bandit

    @Creative Village! I am glad you survived the Gestapo. Glory be to God. Welcome. Now our only MIA is the great Arrumtiddi. Any word?

  • This is a good move the coach gets a free hand and is able to take full resposibility and hence consequenses i think this is good atleast the EC can now let him do his job the way he knows best.For those who are not happy with the changes……….Nyasae okonyu…

  • 37 ni sawa they have done there part like waheshimwa kwa office just wait and see what next coz kuna time hapa mbele game pia . so kila mutu na siku yake ama yao .like us fans we cant revers mind ya EC list is out and they are gone .si we wait kwani how manygames left ? WASI WASI MOB NOT VERY GOOD PLSE GUYS MOS MOS YAWA LIKE MWAKIO ALWAYS SAYS IT .

  • The reforms are necessary for the club to move forward. We need to support these initiatives of the technical bench and EC. However my concerns were on the legal implications but if these are captured in the contracts, then there is no problem. Let us move forward and give our support to the team. Our role as fans is to give maximum support to the team.

    Our club has been facings lots of challenges ranging from indicipline, non performance to interference. It is time to move forward and support all positive measures aimed at improving the team performance.

  • As usual i support the coach 100%.

  • Orito Bernard

    I tend to agree with the coach but am scared, really scared to death. But the playing unit hasn’t been promising like before, no beautiful soccer that used to be kogallo. I will again support the coach. I saw Hugo in our Thika match and felt very sorry for Gor. Dan Makori has been a dedicated player but generally he can’t now eventhough he tries hard all the time.

  • i want to be counted that i support what the croat is doing. he is the coach. while i pity the players that have been removed and hope they have a good future in football, i pray that this BOLD decision brings results. there is no need of questioning wether he knows what he is doing, HE IS THE COACH, the guy has actually put his reputation on line… so lets role. gor mahia had a problem and dithering is what has made the club be at the tail. decision when made in management are not always SWEET but they are for the better. it’s like caning your child. let the croat manage, that’s coaching. football in africa and goverments do poorly simply coz africans and bold decisions are like water and oil. europe has gotten this far cause of clinical decisions. those of you who know magaret thatchers govt might know what decision making is all about. yeah, and churchill, reagan,roosevelt , lee iacoca etc lets pray that the guy succeeds for GOR. i also congrat the EC for making the bold decision to let the coach have a in his domain… that was impressive.

  • Sympathy to the sacked players but coach you have my support 100%. Gor mahia at this position in time does not need players who lack basic footballing skills like ball control etc. Most of these players are not technically gifted no wonder we have been struggling and my wish is let the coach do the scouting himself. I saw the coach watching Tusker vs Sofa and KCB vs Oserian. We are getting somewhere and i believe God is on our side. Naysayers take note.

  • Longarus has done a good job ,since being the coach he is able to access the player and come up with a solid opinion of the player’s capability to perform or deliver.most of the axed players are not up to the occasion and were offloads from teams.Again long arus made a good decision since on many occasions you will see him watching other premier league matches being played within nairobi.


    This is a very professional approach and the decision was long overdue. How do we break even with cost of following our team in every corner of the country shouting ourself hollow with nothing to write home about at the end of the day. Every team is squeezing our wallets and yet this players are not serious in there terms of engagement.

    LOGARITHM did mention upon his unveiling that he had been closely monitoring GM and new what was ailing the club.

    1. A club with a fanatical fan base that is not equally
    rewarded by the results posted by the players.
    And so he realized that most of them do not respect
    the magnitude of wearing the jerssey or simply put
    it as ROTTEN POTATOES who can not RUN and THINK.

    2. A club with a bloated EC whose officials are
    meddlers and activist that lack MEDIA MANNERS. Such
    that they compete with the playing unit parroting
    on the press; talk, talk and just talk for the sake
    of it.

    3. A club with a rich history dating back in the late
    60’s. Has reached African club championship finals
    and once won the MANDELA CUP. But due to internal
    wrangles and lack of development structure went deep
    into the slumber land while ESPERANCE of Tunisia got
    better and better until to date.

    4. A club with an ever demanding fan base that expects
    instant results without proper investment that will
    necessitate future succession plan.Too much mouthing
    on and off the pitch. Everybody is a coach..!!!

    So to the best of my knowledge LOGARITHM knows what he is doing is good for the club. If he can fire 8 whose total monthly salary is approximately 0.5 M and recruit 5 at the same cost then he will achieve his goal at no additional expense salary-wise. Bring on MIENO, PASCAL, ASWANI, BB, Kiongera of KCB and the Ugandan import at CITY STARS.


    @ O. Jabilo yes he knew what is ailing GM but my question is do you manage OUT first before managing IN the would be targeted players during June transfer.


  • ME FOR real fans who have gone real pain like OKOTH,WAXME AND OTHERS its good coments uv posted here today. keep it up guys imagine we complain kila saa after game ?we travel alot yet scores u get stress ,its time players pullup there sk up .wev done our part us fans machozi.

  • Guys don’t forget that a team like Tusker has only used a total of 24 players since the league started and look where they are. We love these players who are leaving but unfortunately things are not working for them. All we can do is to wish them the best and let them know that the GM door is not closed on them. They now have the chance to prove us wrong and we will definitely give them another chance.

  • gem kendgi

    Let’s bring in anyone else but Aswani who will soon join AFC to replace aging Baraza.Ever since we beat AFC, Lavatsa has refused to give his all after he showed interest to cross over and Gor turned him down.How bad was his injury since it’s taken close to a whole year to heal?Gor needs committed players it can budget on comfortably for 2 years who only leave Gor for pro contracts.Pascal,Mieno,the Ug short guy at City Stars etc.

  • Governor Awendo

    This is a real test and it will give all players in this country a chance to know that it is a competetive sport.
    In school we all know that if your class teacher said you should repeat a class then it would be a sad thing but very vital for your future.
    Let the coach be the teacher, we may feel sorry for the players but remember we are not with them in camp. it all matters with performance and discipline. Therefore even office must pull up their socks.

  • lets hope that all this will significantly work for the betterment of the game. As “Kogalo” fan,am looking forward to the day we’ll go back to our winning ways. Coach am behind you 100%

  • Mc Ochan mar Piny

    @50, gem. I surely thought Makori was more committed than Lavatsa. The later has ounces of indiscipline as well. Dan @ 49, true also Leopards has used less than 18 players consistently.

  • Barefoot Bandit

    @Gem Kendgi in post 50, the sky is overcast with very dark political clouds whose ramifications are permeating right into the hearts of some of these players. A player who attempts to juggle the politics of the land with the interests of the club is a major liability moreso if we consider that the least paid player in GM gets KES 45,000. p.m.

  • What many forget is that the coach wants instant performance to better his CV. what will happen when he leaves the team. some players should be nurtured to be fruitful in future.

  • the sacking did not go deep enough according top me some of these tusker rejects should go too

  • @godfrey,my guy you made my day! i like your comment.
    “I don.’t kwow where we are heading to but what i know is that we are going there very fast”.


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